
Monday 24 November 2014

The writing is on the wall

So Sunday morning I go into my front room to open the curtains and upon doing so I notice on the wall near the T.V (right in my eye line) some odd looking marks on the wall. Now I've tried my hardest to capture the markings with my camera, but I found it really hard getting a photo without editing it in photoshop.

At first I thought to myself it's probably the result of my grandson, but upon reflection, he hasn't actually visited the house for over a week, and even then if had drawn on the wall we would of noticed it as it's right next to the T.V.

I can't make anything out in the sense of it being a word, but I will post it anyway, and put it down to one of the oddities of living here.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

All Hallows' Evening

Yes - Yes I know it's been a fair while, but again to be honest I'm trying to write less about what's going on around me and within this house, and to concentrate on the positives in my life, and my many hobbies. Plus apart from the odd noise or shadow nothing really has happened, which brings me around to last weekends events.

So last weekend it was Halloween here in the U.K. and although I don't do a great deal to celebrate the date apart from the odd candle and watching a film on T.V, we don't even get trick or treaters approaching the house ( I suspect because we are near the top of a step hill), so yes, we don't do much. Anyway, the evening before Halloween I was woken up around 3:48am by someone banging, it was 3 heavy thumps. I got straight out of bed and did the usual rounds i.e. checking the doors and windows, and although I knew the sound came from within the house, well it could of been one of a few things, so I got back into bed and fell back asleep.

Later that day I was in the main bedroom, and although it wasn't actually very late it had been a hard day at work, and I was ready for bed, but as I sat on the side of the bed I heard the door handle on the bathroom door rattle followed by the door slamming, and I genuinely mean slamming shut. Now again to be 100% honest this has happened before, but that was due to the bathroom window being left open. The thing that made me take note was the fact I knew the bathroom window was in fact shut, and the only reason I know that was because, 1. I shut it, and 2. The reason it was shut is due to the drain near the bathroom window being partially blocked and smelling pretty bad. The crazy thing was I still got up and walked to the bathroom to double check, and I went into the room only to be greeted by a closed window and little else.

That leaves me with the Saturday after Halloween, well the day had been a good day, I had family around, and things seemed fine. Then as the evening drew in I had a few guests around for tea, again very normal in my house. Basically I left all the guests in the main front room and walked off to the bedroom to close the curtains (to keep the heat in), so it was mid evening at best. Well I walked into the bedroom, put a cloth on the end of the bed, and instead of walking to the window bay to close the curtains I did a swift 180 degree turn only to be greeted by one of my wardrobe doors being fully open, which was closed when I just walked past.

I closed the door and left the room heading back out to the main front room.

Now the following day I tried to recreate the door opening, I had the door partially open, 1/2 open, closed, I even jumped up and down on the floor yet nothing, I couldn't recreate the door opening, let alone even moving in the slightest. The door doesn't swing shut, it doesn't fall open, so I've no idea as to what was going on.I don't think the calender event had anything to do with what happened over those few days, and the only thing that comes to mind is that if there is actually something here, well it's after attention. The only reason I say this is that it all feels very cliche, and by that I mean I can have people here and nothing happens, yet I wander off on my own and something happens, random.

Saturday 18 October 2014

The Toy

So it's been a while since I felt the need to update my blog, but the main reason for this is that things have been relatively quiet here. I say that, but I'm still seeing the odd dark shadow, and things are still being moved around, but I'm learning to just get on with my life. Although this seems to mean that I am just spending more time at work, and less time at home.

Last night was the first night in a while where I have felt really disturbed in my sleep, and actually awoke about 8 times in the night, and on 3 of those occasions I felt the need to walk around my house to make sure it was safe and secure.

The first time I was woken by what I thought was someone talking ? for all I know it could of been someone walking past the house or in fact someone being in my garden, as lately the area I live in has suffered some unrest in that people's sheds have been been broken into, as well as theft from cars. The time was around 12:45, and even though it's October, the weather is mild here and people are still visiting the local town, so it's not unusual for people to walk home at that time of night. I did walk around the house and look out the windows just to make sure, but everything seemed OK, so I went back to bed.

The second time I awoke, which was around 3:10am I swear my eye caught a dark shadow figure stood to the left side of the bed, this actually woke me up with a little bit of a shock. It was really odd as I sleep on the right side of the bed, and normally lay looking to the right, but on this occasion I awoke looking to the left, I did a double take as I sat up. I then got out of the bed on the right side, and as I turned around there was nothing, so I put it down to little more than myself being 1/2 asleep.

As I was up I decided to go to the bathroom, and when I opened the bedroom door I was greeted by one of the dogs toys placed near my door. I remember walking past it and thinking it was a little odd, you know the feeling when you just feel unsettled, well it was that kind of a feeling.

I did a quick check around the house and again returned to bed.

It wasn't until this morning when I woke up that I realized that the toy hadn't been there the first time I woke up, and the door was pushed shut. Max (my dog) was in fact asleep all the time in the bedroom.. 

Saturday 6 September 2014

Cold air

The other morning just after getting up I went off to the bathroom to take a wee (like you do), well I had just entered the bathroom when I felt like what can be best described as cold air down one side of my body. It wasn't like a breeze or a "cold blast", it just felt like a pocket of cold air had landed on one side of my body.

I turned to look and the window was shut as was the door, so no real draft could enter the room. I actually shivered it felt so cold, but I refused to leave the bathroom.

The odd thing was today I went into the bathroom to take a photo for the blog post, and when I uploaded the photos to my computer, the photo I took had this funny circle in it.

This is my second bathroom, and the one nearest my office/games room. It genuinely feels like this part of the house is colder, so maybe that explains it.

Overcast Tuesday

So in my previous post I made a comment of very little happening in my home, well I spoke to soon. Although nothing major in itself, and I'm surprised how complacent how relaxed I have become over everything that happens here, well let me explain the latest happening.

On Tuesday (2nd of September) I went into the kitchen at around 22:10 to have a sneaky slice of toast, well as I approached the kitchen top my shadow on the counter top caught my eye, to my shock my shadow became darker and grew in size despite me moving no closer to it.

I stopped and thought as to if I should turn around, but I did in a matter of moments, but nothing was stood behind me.

Well I had my slice of toast and made my way back to the bedroom, as I was getting my stuff ready for bed, and for work the following morning. I couldn't of been in the bedroom for more than 40 seconds when my girlfriend could be heard calling me. Her voice had a sense of urgency about it, so I made my way back towards the kitchen only to find my girlfriend stood in the kitchen doorway and she asked me if I could hear the flapping.

I moved closer to where she was stood, but could hear nothing at all, she said it stopped as I approached the room.

When I asked her to explain what she meant, she said she could hear this odd noise coming from the room, but she felt like it was coming from a wooden ornament on the wall. she went on to say she couldn't explain it really as it didn't make sense, as she knew something couldn't be trapped in the ornament.

I took the ornament off the wall, and looked it over, but nothing struck me to be wrong with it.

Thursday 7 August 2014

The boot

On Monday night (4th August) I was just getting ready for bed, you know the usual things, brush teeth, laying my clothes out for work the next day. Drawing the curtains closed, putting on the T.V. then getting undressed and getting into bed. Well that was fine, and all was normal until I decided to turn the light off followed by the T.V.

As I turned off the T.V. I was convinced that to the right of the screen and on the floor was stood a tall ladies boot. I actually tried to focus on it really hard, but again the boot seemed to just fade out. It's a really hard thing to explain, and I just can't put the correct words to this virtual page. But again it's like a shimmer object, you can kind of see it but not.

Well I turned the light back on, but as I knew in my head, nothing would be there.

Saturday 26 July 2014

The calling

Well for the last 6 weeks I've been awaiting some test results for an MRI scan I had, so to say the least, when the results were given to me it was a welcome relief to myself. I wouldn't consider myself as a worrier at all, but this could of been life changing, and for the worse.

Why am I telling you this you may ask, well it was on Monday (21/07/14) that I had my appointment, and also on Monday night that I was called. Let me set the scene for you.

I had walked into my bathroom to was my face with some cold water as it was rather a hot evening, and after I splashed my face I looked directly into my mirror at my own reflection. I couldn't decide if I wanted to cry with relief or just to carry on and not mention to my girlfriend the severity of the situation. It was at this moment that I heard in my left ear a female voice calling my name.

The way it was done was slightly different to normal in that my name was drawn out, it was made longer which made it sound odd. Also the fact that it felt like it came from someone stood within 4 feet of me, yet I know my girlfriend was in fact in the front room, on the other side of the house.

So with towel in hand and patting my wet face down, I walked to the door way of the front room and asked my girlfriend what did she want. She looked at me puzzled and said "I never called you, maybe it was the ghost". I said "Ha, yeah right, did you call the dog ?" and she said "I was playing with the dog, so might of made some sounds, but I didn't call him". So either these sounds changed when they traveled down my hallway, or my head and ears just messed with me.

My walk back to the bathroom felt rather cold, despite the heat, and more thoughts went through my mind, but not about the voice, about my life and it's direction.

Sunday 13 July 2014

The Stairway

It was before 9pm last night when Max my dog was playing up a little, and by playing up a little I mean he was unsettled and restless, there was no reason for this, he just was ?

Well as the evening went on I became more aware that he was sat looking into the corner of the front room. I kept braking his concentration by throwing his ball into the hall way. But after one throw he never returned to the room, yet oddly for the first time ever he was sniffing at the front door that opens into the hallway. Well I went out into the hallway to see what he was doing, and asked him to return to the front room, but he wasn't having it. So I opened the door to the main front hallway, and he stood sniffing, and then he barked a little, followed by a little growl. I reassured him that nothing was there by walking out into the hallway, and although the hallway is poorly lit I walked to the bottom of the stairway and started to walk up. Max unusually didn't follow me, he decided to stay by the door, at this point I called to him and said "Come on old boy, there's nowt here".

But as I turned to look up the stairs, I saw something in the light. Now this is really hard to describe, and it wasn't like anything you see in a horror film, it was like a shimmer in the like. It was almost like something blurred my vision, really odd, but it seemed to have some kind of form, and moved across the top of the stairs and down towards me.

Well although it sounds really odd I rubbed my eyes, and took out my phone and started to take some photos. Now again I have explained in an earlier post that my phone is an old Nokia E63, and not the best thing, but I had to take or try to take what I was seeing. Looking back on it I did actually feel colder, but didn't put it down to anything other than leaving a warm seat I was sat in.

I will post the 3 photos up unedited, as they were taken off of my phone. Then below them I will post one that I tried to edit in photo shop (not my best skill)

All I have done on these pictures is outline just a slight difference in light within the photo, and I don't know, I'm sat here looking at these thinking maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. But that doesn't explain the dogs unusual behavior, or the fact that 1. I felt really cold and 2. I saw something in the dark with my own eyes.

Maybe I just need a holiday ? but again, I'm not doing this to make money, or gain attention as I'm anonymous.

Saturday 12 July 2014

The Following

Well here we are again, a new entry, although based on something that happened a over 2 weeks ago.

I must say the main reason for my lack of updates is mainly down to me just trying to get on with my life and the acceptance that something is going on here, but not to allow it to alter my day to day life. So let's rewind a few nights then shall we.

I was up late one evening laid on my bed watching a little T.V. I wasn't watching anything specific just channel hopping really, but as the night drew on I decided to go and get a fresh glass of water to have beside my bed. Well I got up and sat on the edge of the bed, gathered my thoughts, stood up, took a deep breath and turned to my left to head off towards my kitchen.

I hadn't taken more than about 6 steps when I heard behind me a thump on the floor, I continued walking out of the room feeling Max my dog to my left side and walking with me. Well it's funny how things work isn't it, as at that very moment when I entered into my hallway I suddenly thought to myself that in fact Max hadn't been on my bed beside me, at which point Max walked into the hallway to greet me from the front room.

I stopped immediately, turned around and walked back into the bedroom and also took a quick look around the house to make sure no other animal had gotten in. Although I knew all along that nothing could have, and although a very unusual experience, and something that my dog didn't even take any notice of, well I put it aside and thought I must of just been over tired. But in my head I knew otherwise, but can you have ghost dogs ? even if it was a dog.

Saturday 7 June 2014

The Bathroom Door 2

Isn't it odd how some nights you just cannot sleep, well last night was one such night. I have no idea as to why I felt that way, but I tossed and turned in my bed last night until about 2:10am which I guess was fine as I didn't have to be up early today.

But that's not the annoying part, I had only just started to drift off into dream land when the bathroom door slammed shut. Now it didn't slam with a massive amount of force, but it closed firmly, and enough to make me freeze for a moment as I contemplated getting up and checking to see if everything was o.k.

I must of hesitated for about 20 seconds before I got up and walked down the hallway to check the door, and indeed it was closed. I opened the door and walked into the bathroom, but the room actually felt fine.

So I walked back to the bedroom to find my girlfriend was still sound asleep, although the dog looked at me with one open eye and one closed eye.

This morning I have checked the door a fair few times to see if I could get it to close on it's own again, and I will admit that the door will slowly and I mean slowly move. But this only happens if A: the bathroom window is left open, which it wasn't last night, and B: if you leave it ajar by about 2", but again it doesn't by any means slam shut.

Monday 2 June 2014

Follow This Blog

So I was sat here this morning thinking to myself that due to the randomness of when events happen in and around this lovely home of mine, it must make it hard for you all to follow my updates. So if you wish to get new updates as and when I post them, then please feel free to pop your email address in the little box I circled (in pic below) to the right of this post.

That way you will receive notification of my next update.

As of yet I am still standing to my "no reveal" about who I am and also to not advertising this blog. I'm not here to sell a movie script and would wish to remain anonymous, simply because I don't want to be labelled as a "crazy". I am however considering writing an e-book which would go deeper into the actually events that take place here, and to also cover lots of the other events I don't blog about. But again I don't want to be seen as a sell out, I just wanted to document the odd goings on in this house, and how I myself whom always acknowledge that paranormal things may go on in "other" peoples lives (including my own), but nothing as blatant as they do here.

Let's see what the future brings, as I don't want to appear to commit to anything that simply won't happen.

As for events in the house, and as I have stated before, lot's of "little" things happen that I don't even blog about. Some of which I can just explain away as "just things" that happen, you know, noises, misplacing things, lights flickering etc and again to be honest, in order for me to write about it, well I have to feel pretty strong about what has actually happened.

One thing I have done lately was to have a conversation with my mum about some of the "odd" things that happened to me as a child. My mum has also related some of the odd stories that happened to her. So although not directly related to this house, I may document some of those things.

Friday 30 May 2014

The Garden Photo

Now this post even for me may seem a little odd.

Basically I've decided to set up my Canon camera on it's tripod to take some photos. Now this is the bit you won't get, yep I'm not actually taking photos of the inside of my house, but out of a window looking into my garden, well my bird table to be exact. The reason for this is basically I just wanted to get away from things going on within the house (which sadly they still are) but it seems maybe things aren't going to be that easy for me.

So the story goes as follows: My camera was set up in one of my small spare rooms next to the window through an opening in the netting. I placed my bird table right outside the window, along with have fresh bird food being placed on it each and every day.

Well the other day the weather was perfect and I had a few hours to spare, and I ended up talking 47 continuous photos in one hit (see example below).

There was nothing unusual about the photos at all, just lots of birds coming and going. But that was until I came to upload them onto my face book profile to share with my friends. Now as I had taken a fair few photos I just dragged and dropped them all to be uploaded. I then went off into the kitchen to make a fresh cup of tea. Upon returning to my computer I was actually a little surprised to see that face book had asked me to tag someone in one of the photos.

Now I suspect it's just one of those random things, and face book see's something that I can also see in the photo. I also suspect that it's more to do with the fact that face books recognition software tries to make faces from nothing, as does the human eye..

Anyway I will leave you to be the judge, here is the photo.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

The silhouette

Yesterday afternoon upon finishing work I went through my daily routine and set about having a relaxing evening. Now this may sound a little crazy but I like routines, let me explain. 

When I get home from work, one of the first things I do is take Max (my dog) for a quick walk around the garden, he tends to spend most of his time sniffing the bushes and ground, as I know foxes walk through the garden, as do badgers, and clearly this fascinates my dog. After he has finished marking every plant as his I head back inside and make myself a coffee or cup of tea, shortly followed by me having a shower.

Now depending on my mood and the time, I will either set about cooking tea or I head to my computer room to send and read my emails, plus check a few things online, mainly motorsport news, but sometimes topical news. As of late I have set myself an 8pm cut off time, and by this I mean when my clock gets to 8pm I turn my computer off and go and do something else. The reason for this is that I have found I could sit here until very late in the evening doing nothing other than watching clips on YouTube. I felt I was wasting my life away and wanted to do something a little different.

Well on that given night I headed to the front room as I wanted to watch a documentary, which I actually managed to do. The crazy thing was I switched the T.V off yet oddly felt this really strong desire to head back to my computer room and buy something on ebay. It's really odd as I can't explain the feeling, and I don't have much money burning away my pockets, but I just again felt like I wanted to order something.

Fast forward about 20 minutes of myself going through ebay and various online stores it struck me that A: I didn't actually need anything, and B: If I was going to buy something I would research it for a while first (Yes I'm that type of guy).

So I shut down my computer, stepped out of the room, turned to my right to switch off the light via the switch (Oddly the switch for that room is on the outside, on the hallway wall), as I turned off the light it felt like I was being surrounded. I then turned to my left to close the doors behind me (I say doors as they are like saloon bar doors), well as I turned to my left I actually took a deep breath, as stood at the end of that hallway was a dark silhouette.

Now this wasn't a complete figure, more the upper body, say from about the waist line and above. For the first time in a long time I actually swore and could feel my heart beat through my chest.

Daft as it sounds I tried to really look at the shape as I know human beings will make shapes out of things, i.e. shadows, clouds etc. Well the shape started to fade and I was 1/2 turned to try and flick the light switch back on, then as I turned around to confirm the location of the light switch, and turned it on, well the silhouette had vanished.

The silhouette I saw was stood by the door on the right in the photo.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Ever had the feeling of being watched?

Another month has gone by in my life, and a few things have happened, but again I'm trying to distance myself from these happenings or feelings. I'm not 100% sure why I feel this way at the moment, but I just do. It's not a sense of sadness or even a sense of being tired, but more a conscious choice on my part to just get on with my life.

The few things that have happened have been relatively small in comparison to what has happened before, but I've talked myself into writing some words about it tonight.

An odd thing that seems to happen around the house is the lights flickering as I walk around the house, and by this I mean if I walk to an area of my house that I'm not normally in the lights tend to flicker. I don't mean in the sense that I enter a room and turn on the lights and they flicker, I mean that when I walk around the house it's like someone flickers the lights as I walk past them. I really hope it's not just down to bad wiring, but given the amount of times I have to replace light bulbs, well who knows.

The other even was last Thursday (8th May ( Thursdays seems to be a common night for happenings)), and again I was sat in my front room watching some T.V. and the girlfriend was working a late. I wasn't alone though, as Max my dog was sat in the chair next to me.

At around 8'ish Max got up off of the sofa and went and sat in the arm chair, which again is nothing unusual really, but shortly after he had settled, he again got up and went and laid in the door way to the front room. I called him back and he sat near my feet. But after a few more minutes he walked off and took himself off to another room, which is a little odd as he likes company.

Well it was shortly after this that I felt a slight chill around my neck, but again the temperature in this house can change very quickly, so I thought nothing much of it. But then very quickly after this I started to get this really strong feeling that I was being watched. The sense just kept getting stronger and stronger, and this kept happening until I started to feel uncomfortable, at which point I actually started to look around over my shoulder. I really did feel as if someone was stood to my right rear side. I then had what I call a shoulder shiver, at which point I got up to find Max, plus to make myself a hot drink for the evening.

Max was actually in the dinning room, which is situated between the hallway and the kitchen. He quickly got up and decided to follow me to the kitchen door, yet stood beside the door and waited for me. I put the kettle on to make myself a quick cup of tea but again really started to feel uncomfortable being there alone.

So with my cup of tea in my hand I went back to the main front room and Max followed me into the room, he sat about 3 feet away from my left side, but his eyes were fixed looking over my right shoulder. At this point the rooms temperature really had dropped. Well faced with the option of leaving the room or just getting on with my evening, I did exactly that, I sat in my arm chair, turned the T.V up and watched some T.V and finished my cup of tea.

Shortly after this my girlfriend returned from work (around 9:50pm), and everything seemed fine.

Friday 18 April 2014

The Bird

Thankfully these last few days have been rather quiet at the house, even Thursday night was quiet, although that is something that has crossed my mind and made me think a little.

This last Thursday was different due to the fact my gf was actually home with me, she couldn't work that evening as her car was having work done on it, and I was at work so I needed my own car, hence she couldn't borrow mine. So I wonder if the fact that nothing really happened was down to the fact I wasn't alone ? which makes me think even further, and in two possible directions.

1. Either I am going crazy, which I don't feel, as all of these events tend to happen when I am generally alone, although having said that Max our dog does react a lot to things he senses or hears which I don't. Max isn't a nervous dog at all, and will bark at anyone that enters into the home. Plus on the odd occasion things have moved or seemingly moved that both my gf and myself have witnesses. When I say moved, I don't mean floating around on it's own, I simply mean either one of us will leave something somewhere, and when we return to use it, it has moved.

2. What ever it is that surrounds me in my house is in fact a part of myself and my life, I have "seen" things in my life before, some of which was when I was a very young child. My mum remembers most of the things I said as a child, epically about the things I encountered, but these things aren't generally talked about. What did strike me as odd was a comment my gf made about me being sensitive to "these" sort of things ? I never realized I went on about what happens here or what may have happened in other houses we have lived in.

Anyway, all of this detracts from my latest post, basically I have started to think about all of the "other" things that have happened here, which I have dismissed down to me being tired or the fact that they are just normal events in life.

This brings me about to "The Bird", it was the first week of us living here, and I was in the front room watching some T.V when I heard a thump on the window behind me, I got up and walked to the window and on the lawn in my front garden was a little bird, dead with a broken neck. We both went outside and I picked it up and moved it to a bush. I said to my gf that the bird looked young and that in fairness our windows are massive. Now although nothing "spooky" happened then, it's just one of many events that I never wrote about until now.

The reason I now feel I will start to share with you all of the other "little" things is just so I want you, the reader to have a more balanced thought about the house I live in.

Friday 4 April 2014

Moving Shadow

Yesterday (Thursday) had been another hard day at work, so in honesty I was looking forward to spending the evening in front of the T.V with very little to do other than rest. Upon getting home in the afternoon I set about making tea for later, I decided on making a chilli and sausage casserole along with some fresh vegetables. The main reason behind this decision was down to the fact that after preparation you can just leave it in the oven on a low heat to cook by itself.

So fast forward a few hours, and it's now mid evening time, around 8:30pm, and I am sat watching a comedy show on TV. Well at this point the dog starts doing his usual trick of staring at nothing, and I must admit this has began to annoy me a little. So I say to Max (the dog) "Max, nothing is in the room with us, it's just me and you, so lay back down", his refusal comes at no surprise to me.

Well as the time is now approaching 9pm, I turn to Max, whom is now asleep on my sofa to my right, when I notice a dark shadow on the arm of the chair, and as I look at it the shadow moves slowly to my left and out of sight. At this point I actually jump up and turn around in one quick moment saying "Holly s##t", but I soon realize that in fact I am actually alone,.

After many failed attempts to recreate the situation, I simply can't.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Bed Weight

Before I start, I just wanted to say that this has happened a couple of times here before, but to be honest until last night I never really thought much of it, however last night changed my mind.

So last night feeling a little tired I decided to head off to bed around 11pm, work had been hard that day and my body was feeling the day. My girlfriend remained in the front room glued to her laptop, so I said my goodnight and walked off to the bedroom. I climbed into bed and flicked my T.V on for maybe 10-20 minutes but didn't really want to watch anything, so shortly afterwards I turned it off and rolled over to get some sleep.

About an hour had passed and I had drifted in and out of my sleeping state, when at one point I felt what I thought to be Max (The dog) get onto the bed. The weight was near my lower legs and to my right, so effectively on the edge of the bed. Now before I go on, this has happened before and I have just moved and fallen back asleep, but this time although the sensation was the same, it felt like a white light had turned on as I could see the light despite my eyes being closed. I half opened my eyes and said calmly as I turned over "Max get off the bed mate". But as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I became aware Max wasn't on the bed, and the bedroom door was still in fact closed (Max normally opens it if he comes into the room).

Now you will be surprised how quickly something like this wakes you up, and being one to never run or be afraid of anything, I was quickly up on my feet. By this time my eyes had adjusted to the lack of light in the room, so I walked over and opened the door, then looked around the room with a little more light. Max wasn't in the room, and neither was my gf.

So I walked back down the hallway to find my gf still in the front room on her laptop, and the dog beside her feet fast asleep.

Saturday 22 March 2014

The White Shadow

Well generally it's been rather quiet in my house, well I say that, but what I actually mean is, I'm just trying to get on with my life and concentrate on finishing off a few projects of mine. I feel like I am forever seeing things out of the corner of my eye, and have found that my focus had moved away from my actual life, and I was taking a back seat expecting something to happen.

So today was my first day off in a while, and I decided to set up my PS3 in the front room, so both my girlfriend and myself could use it as a media system, it was whilst I was doing this that I had my first real encounter for some time.

Picture the scene, I was going between my main front room and my bedroom, the reason behind this was due to having problems getting the console to output in H.D via a component input on my aging TV, as I had always normally used HDMI. Well on top of my bedroom wardrobe unit I keep a couple of clear stacker boxes full of components and cables, and it was at this point I saw something.

I had taken a box down off of the top of the wardrobe unit and was going through it whilst it was placed on top of my table stall. I was rummaging through it when all of a sudden I had a very unusual tingling sensation run through my body, sorry, how can I describe that better. You know just before you body is about to shiver, it kind of feels like a body sneeze, that probably sounds worse, but anyway, it was as if someone had made my body tingle and just a nano second after that had happened I really felt the urge to look over my right shoulder and back into my main bedroom. It was at that point I saw a white light move to my right and out of my eye line behind me. I quickly turned around allowing myself to look into the room, but saw nothing.

Repeatedly and for some moments afterwards I tried to recreate the same sensation and visualization but nothing worked. My shoulders gave themselves a quick shiver and I left the room, all the time my eyes quickly scanned my surroundings encase something was about, but nothing was, and I soon went back to the problem in hand and sorted out my cabling issue with my PS3.

For the remainder of the day I have questioned if it was simply a light reflection from outside, but light reflections aren't normally about 6ft tall.

Friday 21 February 2014

Ask A Question

It's been a little while since I have felt the need to post anything on my blog, mainly due to not much really happening here. Although last night was the first major thing to happen here in a long time, and what a night it was.

So let's start from the beginning, Thursday afternoons my girlfriend works and I stay at home with the dog, I normally end up cooking and watching T.V with the dog, pretty uneventful really, but how I like my life to be. So fast forward to about 9:15pm, I'm sat in the front room, watching some T.V. Max is bringing  me his tennis ball, and I am throwing it into the hallway, nothing new with that. Well midway through throwing it, he turns into the room and just looks up behind the sofa, so I instruct him to get his ball. Off he walks into the hallway and brings back his ball, but all the time his eyes are looking into nothing ? I say to Max "Nothing is there buddy it's just me and you", well at this point he sits looking up about 6ft to my left. I throw the ball and he just sits looking up into fresh air. So I call his name "Max - Go and get your ball", my voice was a little sterner than it usually is, and off he goes to collect his ball from the hallway, but with no hurry about him.

Once again he returns to the front room, drops his ball on the sofa to my left, and looks into nothing. Sadly like a bad film the room felt a little colder, so I start to take random photos of the room with my phone. I also kick Max's ball into the hallway and instruct him to get it, but he actually sits looking at me but also rolling his eyes to my left.

It's at this point I speak out and say "There is nothing there you silly dog", Max looks at me, so with a step up in volume I say "Look I'm sick and tired of this, if there is anything there do something". Well with that the lights in the front room started to flicker and I could hear the switch on the wall buzz a little.So being the calm type I walk over to the switch and flick it off and on again, yet it carry's on. So I then switch it off and step into my dinning room, and turn on the lights in there, well they do the exact same thing. Max at this point is pushing his head against my legs, and if I am honest my heart rate started to change. I then hot footed it into the bedroom to grab my torch and with 100% honesty as I put my hand on my torch all of the lights go out.

Now it's 100% pitch black I can hardly see the hand in front of my face, yet it feels like something is rushing up to me and about to hit me, which I suspect is down to the sensation of moving quickly and the lights going out. So I flick on my led touch and make my way to the front room. Upon entering it the room is ultra cold, and I can hear my own heart. I think to myself to remain rational and knowing how quickly the house goes cold when the heating goes off, I except this as normal, although I feel it's not.

I then become aware that the fire alarm system in the hallway is buzzing away as part of it's alert system, so I go out into the main hallway/entrance, open the control panel, and just before I type the last digit into the code panel the electric and lights come back on.

Needless to say for the first time in my life I slept with my torch within reach.

Sorry but the quality of photo taken with my E63 isn't very good, but nothing is in the photos, thankfully.

Saturday 15 February 2014

1:01 Wake up

Well I'm not so sure if any of you are aware of this, but last night Britain was battered by the worst storm in years. 80-110 mph winds, hail, rain, flooding etc. It was a pretty rough night to be honest, but this was made even worse by Max (our dog) deciding to start barking like crazy in the middle of the night.

As per usual he had walked off into the front room, on his own, and the next thing my girlfriend and myself know is when he starts to bark awaking us both. (I actually stubbed my toe upon getting out of bed).

When we entered the main front room, he is just sat in the middle of the floor barking ? I guess the high winds etc disturbed him, but it does seem a little random that he was barking at nothing we could see or hear.

I looked as best as I could outside to see if I could find anything but again I find nothing, but it was at this point my girlfriend mentioned the fact that the other day he was in the hallway barking at the ceiling, near to where one of the hallway lights is. Now this one little comment had more bearing on me than most of the other things that have happened here, why you ask, well mainly due to the fact that this is where I have felt or seen most of the activity in this house.

It maybe nothing, but it just maybe something.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

The Passing Shadow

Well last night sore some pretty amazing storms here on the South coast of the U.K. and if I'm honest it's still on going. Trees have fallen, roads are flooded, phone lines have come down, power cuts are often and the sea has washed up a lot of stones onto the coastal road, but everything here has been pretty quiet, well until last night.

So picture the scene, I'm sat at my desk (where I am sat now), and I was reading some news articles online, it was after 9pm, but not by much. My girlfriend came to my doorway and stood in the opening and said that she was having a bath, to which I responded and little else was thought of it. Now the bathroom sits next to my computer room, and my girlfriend had actually passed the door way some time before, and had locked the bathroom door. So out of the corner of my eye I saw a rather large shadow on the wall opposite my open door.

I actually stood up quickly and pushed my chair back with my legs and said "No F'ing way" at which point the shadow had pretty much moved away.

In the photo I have posted you can see how the light from my computer room lights the wall, well it was in that section I saw the tall shadow (which wasn't my own) move to the right. I understand there are lots of different theories towards shadow people, which I won't go into now, but will at a future time.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

The Shoe Lace

Well, all has thankfully been quiet around my house, so I have had nothing to post about, which in all honesty is a very good thing.

My dog has however gotten up a few times in the night, and wandered off to another room to play with his toys, but I'm used to this happening now, and I tend to think very little of it. The other night he woke up and started to bark whilst standing in the middle of my hall way, well I did a quick check of all the rooms of the house, and a quick perimeter check, and found nothing. So again I put this down to either an animal outside, or the sound of the wind or rain.

So where does that bring me to, well today when I came home from work I went through my normal routine, that includes checking on the dog, making a coffee or cup of tea. That's followed by me checking my porch to see if I had have any post, well today I had nothing, which again is fine by me.

After that I tend to take a shower and have a shave, once I had dried myself off and gotten dressed, I then entered into my computer room to check my e-mails and other things.

Again this is pretty normal of me, but having finished my e-mails I decided to go back to the kitchen and make myself another drink. Well I had only taken about 2 steps into my hallway when I heard this odd clicking sound when I took each step. So I looked down at my feet to see my shoe lace was actually undone ? now I know you may all laugh, but I had only just put my trainers on, and I know the laces were tied.

I know this may seem like a really random post, but it genuinely just happened. I really hope I am not loosing my sense of memory, but which is better ? loosing ones mind or something untying my shoe lace ?

Saturday 25 January 2014

Light Bulbs

Another thing that has become very apparent to me is the amount of light bulbs that blow in this house. Now don't get me wrong the house is old, but all the wiring is up to code and very modern. It's also inspected yearly so it shouldn't really be a problem, but so far I think in under 6 months I have had to replace about 20+ blubs through out the house, even the other night the bulbs on the oven extractor blew up, with a real bang that made my girlfriend jump.

The only bulbs I've not had to change have been in the hallway (famous last words), but the front room and dinning room lights seem to eat them. I don't mind a great deal, but it's the overall cost of the bulbs that gets me, as each unit doesn't require what I would call a standard bulb, so the costs are around £2.99 - £4.99 a unit.

Sorry for the poor quality of the photo above, but my camera was having a funny time focusing when I took that one, again really random. But the pictures show the bulbs I have had to replace in the last 2 months, which again is rather concerning.

Friday 24 January 2014

The Dogs Toys

So although it's nothing to really wright about, but as I want to document everything that goes on, well I thought I would add it now before I forget. Well yesterday evening around 20:30pm I walked down my hall and into my front room. The plan was to watch a little television, well when I entered into the room the dog was laid on his belly looking into the room, with 3 of his toys placed out in front of him. The placement of the 3 toys formed a perfect arch in front of him, and although I thought nothing of this at the time, as I wright this now I do find that fact a little odd.

Well Max seemed to be looking into the room and I had to call his name a couple of times before I got his attention.

I just wanted to add that the photo above is a recreation gone wrong. Basically I laid out the 3 toys in question from that night, and tried to get Max to lay down like he was when I entered the room the other evening, but he just wouldn't play along. He would sit at best but just wouldn't leave either of the toys alone. Plus as I said above, he was actually laid down looking up into the room, whilst his toys were there in front of him.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

The Bathroom Door.

Well this morning was like any other morning in my life, I had awoken just before 7am and proceeded to turn off my alarm just before it went off. I got out of bed and left the gf asleep in bed and dog asleep on the floor.
Now in my house I actually have two bathrooms, one at each end of the house, one is more for showering and the other actually has a bath, well I headed to the one with the bath in it as I planned on having a shave. Well I went into the bathroom, locked the door behind me, then proceeded to use the toilet, I hadn't been in the room for more than maybe 7 minutes when the door handle to the room rattled as if my girlfriend was trying to open the door, I didn't say anything as I was just about to finish. So I literally washed my hands off, dried them and undid the door expecting to be greeted by my girlfriend.

Well to my surprise there was actually nobody stood there, so I figured on the fact my girlfriend had decided to return to the bedroom or had headed off to the other bathroom. So as I walked back to the bedroom I could see she was in bed, so I went and made us both a cup of tea.
When I came into the bedroom she was laid on the bed and the dog was still there in the room, so I patted him on the head and then said to my girlfriend "Sorry I was in the bathroom, but the other one was free", she muttered something and never awoke.
So I watched about 20 minutes of Sky news drank my cup of tea, then began to get dressed for work. At this point my girlfriend said "What were you on about the bathroom", I replied by saying "Well I was in the bathroom when you tried the door, and we do actually have two bathrooms, but you were in bed", her reply was "I never went to the bathroom I was asleep".

At that moment I felt a cold rush come over me, and said "But the door handle rattled", she again told me how she was sleep. I then proceeded to tell her how it must of been the dog that came up and touched the handle My girlfriend then said "Honestly you heard the door handle move", so I just said that I thought it must of been the dog. But I knew deep down that it wasn't and something wasn't right at all.

I text a friend today to share what had happened and they asked if I was scared, but oddly at the time I wasn't due to me thinking it was my girlfriend turning the handle to get in, and not nobody.

Saturday 18 January 2014

The History

One of the things I plan on doing is researching the history of this lovely house. I'm not 100% sure where to start and even if I really want to, but I guess in order to progress with things here I will need to do so, and even at the end of the day nothing comes up, well at least it removes that side of possible events from my research.

The other side of this is, do I actually want to look into the house history, what happens if I do discover something sinister or horrid, would I even want to carry on living here. I suspect so as the house is very nice, and to be frank nothing that bad has really happened yet, It's just been unusual when it has.

Friday 17 January 2014

Back Problems

This may seems a little limp for me, but I a woke to find some marks on my back, and although they don't seem like much, it just seems rather crazy that they are even there to start with. I have highlighted the obvious ones, but actually my entire back was swollen to a small degree.

I actually have no back pain other than my usual work related back ache. The marks don't seem to be of caused by anything in my bed, so I am at a complete loss as to what caused them to appear.

I guess I may have tried to scratch my own back whilst I was a sleep, that's a possibility, but highly unlikely.

Thursday 16 January 2014

More Bearings

So tonight when I return from work I go through my normal routine which consists of taking the dog out for a quick walk, then taking a shower, followed by either myself or my girlfriend cooking a meal. Well tonight as she is working late I decided to cook a nice meal after my shower.

Now if you can picture the house, basically I have two bathrooms. One has a bath and the other a shower, but both are situated at different ends of the house. My bedroom is situated roughly in the middle of them both. Well I went to the shower room, and turned on the shower, walked back to my bedroom to get my dressing gown, then walked back and took my shower,  nothing unusual in that.

So when I left the shower room and walked back to the bedroom, I stood on a tiny small bearing in the hall way. Now fair enough it could of been tracked into the house, but I had only just walked alone the hall way and didn't notice anything there.

So that now makes around 7 of these little things, and they are very tiny. This time I have kept the bearing and photographed it next to a hazel nut just for scale.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Mirror

Another thing that seems to happen in this house is the ever increasing amounts of shadow people that are seen. Now I have read these can be down to high blood pressure, or stress, but basically these are the shadows you see out of the corner of your eyes. In my case more my left eye, although I have no idea as to why.

So one of these spots seems to be in the main bedroom, the room is a little cold, but otherwise very large and nice. The attraction of the bedroom is a rather large mirror that dates back a long time. I'm not sure of the exact age but was told it was near to when the house was built. I will often lay in the bed at night time and see dark objects out of the corner of my left eye in the mirror.

I did try to video the mirror once with my mobile phone, but sadly it was just to dark to see anything.


Well last night I was in bed watching a little T.V and I suspect because I had posted about the mirror it was on my mind. Well as I laid there I became every more conscious of the fact that it felt like something was moving in the corner of my eye in the mirror. 
So as I laid looking in the other direction I took a sneaky photo with my Nokia E63 phone. As you can see the photo isn't the best, but upon closer inspection of the photo today, it's apparent that something seems to be in the reflection of the mirror.

Oil & Bearings

This one is really bizarre, but I have to share it with you all.

For the first few weeks of living here I would get random sniffs of oil or some kind of industrial oil smell, but it didn't end there, something really odd was the simple fact I would also find very small ball bearings on the floor in the hall way or in the carpet. I actually thought that maybe the vacuum cleaner was begging to pack up ? or that some of the furniture I had moved in was falling apart. But these bearings were really small, I think in all I found about 7 of them, sadly all of which I threw in the bin. At the time I thought nothing more of it, so it didn't bother me. It's only when I look back it seems to add to the bigger picture.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Somethings Cooking

So again last night I awoke around 00:48, and beside me was my girlfriend fast asleep, and for some odd reason I could smell Shepard's Pie. Now bearing in mind it's January so I haven't any windows open, and also it's the middle of the night. So I get up, and go to the bathroom to have a pee, then I walk around the house just to make sure everything is off and as it should be, and I'm 100% convinced I can smell cooking. Yet apart from my girlfriend in bed and the dog, the house is empty.

Now this isn't the first time this has happened, I already reported a while ago the smell of bacon and cheese in the day time, but there was also one more account of me waking up about a week ago and smelling roast beef in the middle of the night. At the time I put it down to it just being Christmas and the fact that lots of food was around. But after last night I am starting to think that something isn't 100% right.

I'm sure over the next few nights I will awake and smell something again, and if I do I will post it up for you all to read.

Saturday 11 January 2014

The Dream

3rd May 2013

Shortly after viewing the house I was moving into I had a horrible dream, it wasn't a very nice dream at all, and to be truthful one of only a couple of dreams in my life that have actually managed to wake me up in the middle of the night (3:10am).

So why the picture above, basically this is where the dream took place. The dream was pretty straight forward and only consisted of me setting up some furniture in the room pictured, and unbeknown to me as the field of view opened up in my dream, it showed me working, and as the picture moved around to show the cupboard unit (pictured), there was a young boy stood in the room with me that I couldn't see and could only be seen in the mirror. I think I woke up thinking the boy's face changed to something nasty, but I'm not 100% sure that is what actually happened at all, and could of just been how I thought I saw things then.

Needless to say this is the room I have felt to be the strangest of them all, it's actually where I am sat right now typing this out for you to read. The room, despite being fairly small does seem to suffer from temperature changes, but again that could simply be down to the rooms location and nothing other than that.

Arguments & Injuries

So, the festive holiday have been and gone, presents were given and received, friends and family filled the house, and a good time was generally had by all. I say by all, but I can't really include myself as personally I didn't really enjoy any of it. Maybe it's an age thing, but I'm starting to think that it's this house, things in my life have become so negative and suppressive, which is 100% against my normal character as my outlook on life is positive and very constructive.

For the first time in my life I had a "discussion" with my girlfriend about Christmas and the events that took place over it. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a temper and I don't even raise my voice let alone hit or break stuff, but I have just felt like there is this over powering negativity here. It's something I have felt even from walking from one room to another, a very odd sensation. I guess it could just be down to a temperature or different smell in different room that stimulates a memory from my child hood ? I'm not 100% sure. The crazy thing is it's a lovely house in a lovely area of the town I live in. It's very quiet and has lovely views along with being in a very handy location. In fact I couldn't be happier where I live, but it's the first house that I fell has effected my sense of mood.

Another thing that seems to be rather prominent is the amount of unusual injuries I seem to be getting. I'm not even half way through my life yet (in terms of age), but each day I seem to awake with fresh pains? Could it just be the bed I sleep in, or that I am actually getting older. It wasn't long after I moved in here when I picked up an unusual injury to my right knee. I woke up one day and my knee was filled with fluid, and pretty painful. I went to see my doctor who said it was full of fluid and would just have to wait and see what happened. Now despite it being pretty painful, it's still there some 5 months later. Another pain is my right shoulder, it just started hurting beyond understanding, so much so that I cannot raise my right arm much above my shoulder, again my doctor says wait and see ? Another thing is a few very close friends say I look tired, almost as if I am carrying extra weight, meaning extra stress or a weight unseen, something that is making me tired. Which is kind of odd because despite trying to be positive, it's how I feel.

The above picture shows my knee over the different months, and how it has changed in size.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Little Things

Well Christmas has been and gone, and it was pretty uneventful apart from one small thing, and when I mean small I mean small. My girlfriend and myself had put all of our unwrapped presents on the table in my lounge, as after Christmas passes we tend to write thank you notes to the people that gave us the presents, a little old fashioned, but very thoughtful.

I had actually taken some of my presents out of there boxes, and placed the empty boxes in the dinning room ready for recycling, and had actually thought nothing of this until New Years day.

So, On New Years day my girlfriend had invited her sister in-law around for roast beef, it's a tradition that now goes back some 6-8 years. Dawn who is my girlfriends sister in-law duly came around with her son.They were accompanied by my girlfriends daughter and her boyfriend, and my girlfriends son, girlfriend and baby son. So it was a pretty full house, and a lovely meal that we all enjoyed, but at the table my girlfriend brought up the fact that she was surprised to find that I had put one of the small Christmas decoration ornaments in one of the boxes due to be recycled and sealed up the box. It was only because the box was about to be torn up and flattened that it was found by her.

I spoke up at the table and asked what Christmas ornament was it, and my girlfriend couldn't really remember and was surprised I had actually spoke out about it. I hastened to point out  that I had in fact NOT actually put anything in the box let alone seal any boxes up.

My girlfriend made light of the matter and said it was probably a ghost, but to me the object and story carry's more significance than I want to expand on. For the last two days I have asked my girlfriend if she can remember what the small ornament was, but each day she has come home from work saying "Why is it so important, I simply can't remember what it was". She seems to think it was something off of the Christmas tree, which could be anything from a baubles to an angle. I was actually tempted to unpack all of the Christmas decorations and go through each box until my girlfriend remembered which item it was, but trust me when I say we have lots of boxes.

The crazy thing is, neither of us actually moved the object into the box, and the guests to our house have visited us either side of the event happening.