
Friday 30 May 2014

The Garden Photo

Now this post even for me may seem a little odd.

Basically I've decided to set up my Canon camera on it's tripod to take some photos. Now this is the bit you won't get, yep I'm not actually taking photos of the inside of my house, but out of a window looking into my garden, well my bird table to be exact. The reason for this is basically I just wanted to get away from things going on within the house (which sadly they still are) but it seems maybe things aren't going to be that easy for me.

So the story goes as follows: My camera was set up in one of my small spare rooms next to the window through an opening in the netting. I placed my bird table right outside the window, along with have fresh bird food being placed on it each and every day.

Well the other day the weather was perfect and I had a few hours to spare, and I ended up talking 47 continuous photos in one hit (see example below).

There was nothing unusual about the photos at all, just lots of birds coming and going. But that was until I came to upload them onto my face book profile to share with my friends. Now as I had taken a fair few photos I just dragged and dropped them all to be uploaded. I then went off into the kitchen to make a fresh cup of tea. Upon returning to my computer I was actually a little surprised to see that face book had asked me to tag someone in one of the photos.

Now I suspect it's just one of those random things, and face book see's something that I can also see in the photo. I also suspect that it's more to do with the fact that face books recognition software tries to make faces from nothing, as does the human eye..

Anyway I will leave you to be the judge, here is the photo.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

The silhouette

Yesterday afternoon upon finishing work I went through my daily routine and set about having a relaxing evening. Now this may sound a little crazy but I like routines, let me explain. 

When I get home from work, one of the first things I do is take Max (my dog) for a quick walk around the garden, he tends to spend most of his time sniffing the bushes and ground, as I know foxes walk through the garden, as do badgers, and clearly this fascinates my dog. After he has finished marking every plant as his I head back inside and make myself a coffee or cup of tea, shortly followed by me having a shower.

Now depending on my mood and the time, I will either set about cooking tea or I head to my computer room to send and read my emails, plus check a few things online, mainly motorsport news, but sometimes topical news. As of late I have set myself an 8pm cut off time, and by this I mean when my clock gets to 8pm I turn my computer off and go and do something else. The reason for this is that I have found I could sit here until very late in the evening doing nothing other than watching clips on YouTube. I felt I was wasting my life away and wanted to do something a little different.

Well on that given night I headed to the front room as I wanted to watch a documentary, which I actually managed to do. The crazy thing was I switched the T.V off yet oddly felt this really strong desire to head back to my computer room and buy something on ebay. It's really odd as I can't explain the feeling, and I don't have much money burning away my pockets, but I just again felt like I wanted to order something.

Fast forward about 20 minutes of myself going through ebay and various online stores it struck me that A: I didn't actually need anything, and B: If I was going to buy something I would research it for a while first (Yes I'm that type of guy).

So I shut down my computer, stepped out of the room, turned to my right to switch off the light via the switch (Oddly the switch for that room is on the outside, on the hallway wall), as I turned off the light it felt like I was being surrounded. I then turned to my left to close the doors behind me (I say doors as they are like saloon bar doors), well as I turned to my left I actually took a deep breath, as stood at the end of that hallway was a dark silhouette.

Now this wasn't a complete figure, more the upper body, say from about the waist line and above. For the first time in a long time I actually swore and could feel my heart beat through my chest.

Daft as it sounds I tried to really look at the shape as I know human beings will make shapes out of things, i.e. shadows, clouds etc. Well the shape started to fade and I was 1/2 turned to try and flick the light switch back on, then as I turned around to confirm the location of the light switch, and turned it on, well the silhouette had vanished.

The silhouette I saw was stood by the door on the right in the photo.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Ever had the feeling of being watched?

Another month has gone by in my life, and a few things have happened, but again I'm trying to distance myself from these happenings or feelings. I'm not 100% sure why I feel this way at the moment, but I just do. It's not a sense of sadness or even a sense of being tired, but more a conscious choice on my part to just get on with my life.

The few things that have happened have been relatively small in comparison to what has happened before, but I've talked myself into writing some words about it tonight.

An odd thing that seems to happen around the house is the lights flickering as I walk around the house, and by this I mean if I walk to an area of my house that I'm not normally in the lights tend to flicker. I don't mean in the sense that I enter a room and turn on the lights and they flicker, I mean that when I walk around the house it's like someone flickers the lights as I walk past them. I really hope it's not just down to bad wiring, but given the amount of times I have to replace light bulbs, well who knows.

The other even was last Thursday (8th May ( Thursdays seems to be a common night for happenings)), and again I was sat in my front room watching some T.V. and the girlfriend was working a late. I wasn't alone though, as Max my dog was sat in the chair next to me.

At around 8'ish Max got up off of the sofa and went and sat in the arm chair, which again is nothing unusual really, but shortly after he had settled, he again got up and went and laid in the door way to the front room. I called him back and he sat near my feet. But after a few more minutes he walked off and took himself off to another room, which is a little odd as he likes company.

Well it was shortly after this that I felt a slight chill around my neck, but again the temperature in this house can change very quickly, so I thought nothing much of it. But then very quickly after this I started to get this really strong feeling that I was being watched. The sense just kept getting stronger and stronger, and this kept happening until I started to feel uncomfortable, at which point I actually started to look around over my shoulder. I really did feel as if someone was stood to my right rear side. I then had what I call a shoulder shiver, at which point I got up to find Max, plus to make myself a hot drink for the evening.

Max was actually in the dinning room, which is situated between the hallway and the kitchen. He quickly got up and decided to follow me to the kitchen door, yet stood beside the door and waited for me. I put the kettle on to make myself a quick cup of tea but again really started to feel uncomfortable being there alone.

So with my cup of tea in my hand I went back to the main front room and Max followed me into the room, he sat about 3 feet away from my left side, but his eyes were fixed looking over my right shoulder. At this point the rooms temperature really had dropped. Well faced with the option of leaving the room or just getting on with my evening, I did exactly that, I sat in my arm chair, turned the T.V up and watched some T.V and finished my cup of tea.

Shortly after this my girlfriend returned from work (around 9:50pm), and everything seemed fine.