
Saturday 6 September 2014

Cold air

The other morning just after getting up I went off to the bathroom to take a wee (like you do), well I had just entered the bathroom when I felt like what can be best described as cold air down one side of my body. It wasn't like a breeze or a "cold blast", it just felt like a pocket of cold air had landed on one side of my body.

I turned to look and the window was shut as was the door, so no real draft could enter the room. I actually shivered it felt so cold, but I refused to leave the bathroom.

The odd thing was today I went into the bathroom to take a photo for the blog post, and when I uploaded the photos to my computer, the photo I took had this funny circle in it.

This is my second bathroom, and the one nearest my office/games room. It genuinely feels like this part of the house is colder, so maybe that explains it.

Overcast Tuesday

So in my previous post I made a comment of very little happening in my home, well I spoke to soon. Although nothing major in itself, and I'm surprised how complacent how relaxed I have become over everything that happens here, well let me explain the latest happening.

On Tuesday (2nd of September) I went into the kitchen at around 22:10 to have a sneaky slice of toast, well as I approached the kitchen top my shadow on the counter top caught my eye, to my shock my shadow became darker and grew in size despite me moving no closer to it.

I stopped and thought as to if I should turn around, but I did in a matter of moments, but nothing was stood behind me.

Well I had my slice of toast and made my way back to the bedroom, as I was getting my stuff ready for bed, and for work the following morning. I couldn't of been in the bedroom for more than 40 seconds when my girlfriend could be heard calling me. Her voice had a sense of urgency about it, so I made my way back towards the kitchen only to find my girlfriend stood in the kitchen doorway and she asked me if I could hear the flapping.

I moved closer to where she was stood, but could hear nothing at all, she said it stopped as I approached the room.

When I asked her to explain what she meant, she said she could hear this odd noise coming from the room, but she felt like it was coming from a wooden ornament on the wall. she went on to say she couldn't explain it really as it didn't make sense, as she knew something couldn't be trapped in the ornament.

I took the ornament off the wall, and looked it over, but nothing struck me to be wrong with it.