
Saturday 7 June 2014

The Bathroom Door 2

Isn't it odd how some nights you just cannot sleep, well last night was one such night. I have no idea as to why I felt that way, but I tossed and turned in my bed last night until about 2:10am which I guess was fine as I didn't have to be up early today.

But that's not the annoying part, I had only just started to drift off into dream land when the bathroom door slammed shut. Now it didn't slam with a massive amount of force, but it closed firmly, and enough to make me freeze for a moment as I contemplated getting up and checking to see if everything was o.k.

I must of hesitated for about 20 seconds before I got up and walked down the hallway to check the door, and indeed it was closed. I opened the door and walked into the bathroom, but the room actually felt fine.

So I walked back to the bedroom to find my girlfriend was still sound asleep, although the dog looked at me with one open eye and one closed eye.

This morning I have checked the door a fair few times to see if I could get it to close on it's own again, and I will admit that the door will slowly and I mean slowly move. But this only happens if A: the bathroom window is left open, which it wasn't last night, and B: if you leave it ajar by about 2", but again it doesn't by any means slam shut.

Monday 2 June 2014

Follow This Blog

So I was sat here this morning thinking to myself that due to the randomness of when events happen in and around this lovely home of mine, it must make it hard for you all to follow my updates. So if you wish to get new updates as and when I post them, then please feel free to pop your email address in the little box I circled (in pic below) to the right of this post.

That way you will receive notification of my next update.

As of yet I am still standing to my "no reveal" about who I am and also to not advertising this blog. I'm not here to sell a movie script and would wish to remain anonymous, simply because I don't want to be labelled as a "crazy". I am however considering writing an e-book which would go deeper into the actually events that take place here, and to also cover lots of the other events I don't blog about. But again I don't want to be seen as a sell out, I just wanted to document the odd goings on in this house, and how I myself whom always acknowledge that paranormal things may go on in "other" peoples lives (including my own), but nothing as blatant as they do here.

Let's see what the future brings, as I don't want to appear to commit to anything that simply won't happen.

As for events in the house, and as I have stated before, lot's of "little" things happen that I don't even blog about. Some of which I can just explain away as "just things" that happen, you know, noises, misplacing things, lights flickering etc and again to be honest, in order for me to write about it, well I have to feel pretty strong about what has actually happened.

One thing I have done lately was to have a conversation with my mum about some of the "odd" things that happened to me as a child. My mum has also related some of the odd stories that happened to her. So although not directly related to this house, I may document some of those things.