
Sunday 15 February 2015


It seems to me that most of the posts I put on this blog are all based on events that happen on a Thursday evening when I'm home alone with the dog. I've no understanding as to why this is the case, but like this next event, it took place on a Thursday evening (29/01/15), in my front room, whilst I was home alone.

So, I was sat in my favourite chair in the front room with the dog sat beside me. I wasn't watching anything in particular in fact I think I was waiting for a program to start. Well I'm sat there when all of a sudden one of my (step) grandsons toys makes a noise all on it's own. The toy never moved neither did any of the other toys around it, and if my memory serves me correctly, the toys actually hadn't been played with for 4-5 days.

Now when this happened both myself and the dog genuinely jumped, and my dog slowly crept towards the toy, but remained a good 4ft away from it. I got up to take a look, but the toy made no noise when I shook it. The toy in question is a mini work top, with a drill and saw on it, but all of the toys require a movement of about 2-3" before they make a sound, and as the toy was on top of the others, well I'm still a little confused as to how this could happen.

This photo was taken that evening with my mobile phone.