
Tuesday 7 July 2015

Victorian Man In Black

Well as I've posted before about shadows and an old style tall leather boot in the corner of the bedroom, well it seems the shadow I saw on Sunday (5th July) had a definite form of substance, so let me set the scene.

As I've mentioned before I've been having a few electrical appliance problems in my office/studio, so I was in the room sorting out some cables and removing my Dolby unit, when I saw what can only be described as the darkest shadow yet.

The room is pretty small although I was at the far end of it, then when I approached the center of the room, (with the double doors on my left), it was at this point I saw what can only be described as a very tall shadow which had some kind of form, or my brain made form from a shadow. I had no light's on in either the room or the hallway as it's not getting dark here until around after 9pm, so the shadow wasn't my own.

The odd thing is I'm trying to remember my exact actions, I know I turned to the left and saw what looked like a tall dark hat on top of a tall dark mass, and at first I was actually happy as to what I thought I'd seen. It was like a sense of actual belief but I must of looked away and down towards the floor as I was actually walking forward at the time. It was at this point I almost jumped at the realization as to what I had actually seen, at which point I made my self look back to the open doors. This was all within less than 1 second, yet the shadow had gone. There is a good possible chance I swore as well, but this would of been 2-3 seconds after seeing what I did.

It's kind of odd, as I still don't know if I feel good or bad about this, and will post about it at a later date.

Electrical Faults

You know over the weekend I sat and realized how many electrical appliances have failed since I've lived here, and in my honest opinion it's been far more than I've ever experienced in my life time. The reason I'm posting this is because apart from the odd noise, and shadow (see Victorian Man In Black post) and just odd sensations, things again have quietened down.

But the other afternoon I noticed my Dolby system was making a really unusual sound, it was like an odd interference, which to my ear at a distance sounded like a crackle, it was coming from the front two speakers, but not the center one. I figured the system just needed an unplug, and reset. So I turned it all off and went away to make a cup of tea, to then come back and turn it all back on. Well clearly this action made it worse as now the two rear speakers were also making a really unusual sound, but this time rather than switching it off I decided to turn it up louder than before. I ran a few test sounds through the system, just simple tones to try and clear it, but they all sounded really distorted, but oddly I could just hear this background noise, it was very faint but I could hear it.

I placed my ear really close to front speakers, and to my shock it actually sounded like a voice, it was like sometimes when I pick up the phone here, it sounds like I have a shared line?, although I don't. I couldn't make out any clear words, but the sense of hearing what I thought was voices actually sent a real chill down my spine.

I was interrupted with the land line phone ringing, and one of the features I have is caller display, yet this time it just said "Call", so I answered it thinking it would be a telephone sales call, but it was nothing. Again because I get so many calls like this I didn't really think anything of it. But it wasn't until I went back to my small office/studio that it just all felt really odd.

When I look back over the last couple of years I try to add up all of the electrical things that have failed, I think I've around 3 laptops, 1 mobile phone, 1 domestic phone, a couple of computer components, a games console, and the list goes on, but they have all failed, and all have been new to moving here, it just seems an awful lot.