

Well I guess you are all wondering why I don't put my name to this blog. Obviously I've a few reasons, firstly I am not doing this for profit or to try and make any gains from it. I'm not writing this blog to sell a book or make a movie, I'm writing it so I have a personal account of all of the events that happen. Now some of these will just be nothing, and others will be slightly worry accounts of what actually happens here. Which brings me to my second point, I don't really want people knocking on my door or asking if they can stay here, I want to live here and have a happy life with my girlfriend, regardless of what goes on around us. The other issue is public ridicule, now don't get me wrong, I can look after my family and myself in life, but I just don't want the hassle of snide remarks being said about what I've wrote about. After all it's my choice to live here and account what happens here, I do always have the option of moving on.

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